Seeq uses Guice for dependency injection. When the codebase was small, a DI framework seemed like overkill – we liked to inject dependencies to make unit testing easier, but it was easy to do so manually and we understood everything that was going on. As our codebase has grown we’ve seen some antipatterns that a…
Software developmentTag: Backend
Austin Sharp
Guice Scopes: Everything They Don’t Tell You
[email protected]
Why We Tried Pulumi But Settled On Terraform
Here at Seeq, we are in the middle of a re-platforming effort that involves taking our on-premise deployment environment and moving to a containerized platform using Kubernetes. I am leading a squad that is developing the new production platform. As part of the re-platforming effort, we knew we wanted to use Infrastructure as Code (IaC)…
Software development
Eric Shull
A lesson for the backend from a front-end technology
In R52, our team launched a new licensed feature for users to create custom asset hierarchies. The UI is a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, and we kept the backend logic simple by borrowing a concept from the front-end library React. In the process, we gained some valuable insight into writing maintainable code. In this post, I’ll…
Developer Productivity Software development